Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mean Old Tom

Part of my mission to find the perfect beer is also to support local craft breweries as much as possible.  Case in point - Maine Beer Company out of Portland, Maine.  

Not only is the Maine Beer Co part of the 1% for the Planet cause they are a truly outstanding small operation in Portland.  I can't wait to get up to Portland to visit this new brewery for the first time.  In the mean time I'll have to continue supporting them by buying their fantastic line up of beers.

First up for discussion is their newest beer, Mean Old Tom, an American style Stout.  Mean Old Tom pours a very dark black and had about a half inch foamy head.  The biggest aroma I got was of dark chocolate.  On the tongue I could definitely taste the roasted malt, more bitter chocolate, and a very faint hint of the vanilla (this one was aged on natural vanilla beans).  When enjoying this stout, let it come to room temperature or the subtle flavors will be lost.  Also, don't expect an Imperial Stout when enjoying an American Stout like this.  The overall experience is way more mellow than an Imperial Stout...it's easier to drink and closer to the mouthfeel of a porter.

If you get a chance to purchase any of the Maine Beer Co's beers (Zoe, Peeper, Lunch, or Mean Old Tom here), you shouldn't hesitate.  I'll review each of them in the near future.  As most of my beer geek friends can attest, I cannot stop recommending this brewery as their beers are solid and priced just right!

Also, if you're in the greater Boston area this weekend, stop by the Craft Beer Cellar in Belmont as a rep from the Maine Beer Co will be there on Saturday, 12/10 from 3pm to 5pm sharing stories and more importantly - beer!  I am going to do my best to be there to support this fantastic brewery.

Kev Rating: A
Style: American Stout (aged on Vanilla Beans)
ABV: 6.50%
Availability: Hit shelves in ME, VT, NY, MA in late November, hoping for more soon!
Had: 16.9oz Bottle poured into Snifter - purchased @ Gordon's in Waltham (main st)
Region: Portland, ME


  1. We will make sure you are there :)

  2. I've only tried the Zoe, but it was excellent!

  3. Joe - I liked Zoe so much I purchased a way over priced bottle while eating at the Eastern Standard recently. I've had it many times and EVERY time it's just plain awesome. Lunch was a good one too!
