Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kev's Beer of the Week - Hog Heaven

Kev's Beer of the Week ending 5/18/12

Kev Rating: A
Style: American Barleywine
ABV: 9.20%
IBUs: 104
Availability:  Year Round - I've seen it at a number of local craft beer stores
Had: Picked up a 22oz bottle at Berman's in Lexington
Region: Boulder, CO

I've been enjoying Avery Brewing Co's beers for a few years now and have (stupidly) passed up the Hog Heaven Barley Wine more than a few times.  I mentioned this to my brother George recently and he said I really should pick it's worth it.  So, as a good younger brother should, I listened.  
For work related reasons I was over in Lexington and decided to stop by one of my hidden gem liquor stores on the way home.  After perusing the shelves for a while, I settled upon the Avery Hog Heaven Barley of their Holy Trinity of Ales series (along with The Reverend and Salvation).  
The pour was a gorgeous amber color with a nice rich white 1/2 inch head.  The smell was outstanding - caramel, malt, fruit, spice.  I couldn't wait to take a sip.  After the first sip, I was sold.  It was an avalanche of malt, sweet caramel, dark fruit, some nice citrus hops, and into a nice earthy finish.  I've seen reviews of this beer go from moderate to pretty high...for me it was a home run.  I really really enjoyed this barleywine and can't wait to have it again.  Cheers!

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